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  • Hurricane Ian – Prep 101 for Agents

Hurricane Ian – Prep 101 for Agents

Hurricane Ian – Prep 101 for Agents

If you are an agent in central Florida and you have an active listing, you are probably tracking the current storm, Hurricane Ian.

Hurricanes are part of life in the sunshine state and we Floridians know a thing or two about these summer storms. But if you are agent with active listings, you have an extra responsibility to your clients if you have a sign in the yard.

  1. If the sign is on a post in the ground, at a minimum you should remove the sign and any riders from the post. The sign creates a sail area that can lift the post out of the ground. If the sign becomes detached from the post then it will very quickly find itself airborne and can cause damage to your client’s or someone else’s property.

  2. Even the smaller stick in the ground signs should be pulled out of the yard until the storm passes. Yes, this goes for all of those other signs as well, but this post is mainly aimed at agents with listings.

It’s hurricane season folks! Being prepared and helping your clients is part of what we do as agents. Stay safe out there!